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How Intentions Can Help You Manifest Your Ideal Birth

Bringing a new life into the world is an extraordinary journey, and every expectant parent hopes for a positive, empowering birth experience. But how do you set yourself up for success when there are so many moving pieces?
woman in labor sitting in a birth pool with a doula rubbing her forehead with a wet rag

The secret lies in harnessing the power of intention. By envisioning the energy, environment, and people you want surrounding you, you can create an ideal birth experience that aligns with your deepest desires and instincts.

In this article, I’ll explore how getting crystal clear on your vision—from your provider’s approach to the people in your birthing space—can significantly impact your birth and postpartum journey.

You’ll find a few practical ways to manifest your ideal birth, such as cultivating an atmosphere of trust with your birth team, surrounding yourself with supportive individuals, and using visualization techniques to set a powerful intention for your baby’s arrival.

Ready to take control of your birth story? Let’s do this.

mom in labor in a birthing pool holding dad's hand
Birth photography courtesy of Amy Kelley and Gather Birth Cooperative

Use Visualization to Set Powerful Intentions For Birth

In my 8 years of being an educator and doula, my most essential recommendation is to get super clear on the energy you want to surround yourself with.

So let’s go ahead and get some clarity around your baby’s actual “birthday”. Close your eyes for a moment. Take a big deep breath in. Full exhalation out. Visualize your “Labor Day”.

What’s the weather like, what sounds do you hear? What do you smell, what voices do you hear, and which people do you see?

Once you have a clear understanding of your vision and the energy you wish to cultivate, it will become effortless to identify the people you want by your side. As you get a sense of that energy, what other things do you envision? Affirmations hanging on the wall? Essential oils diffusing energizing or relaxing fragrances? The fridge stocked with comfort snacks and drinks? Soft LED candles strewn about your hospital room?

These are the coping tools you’ll rely on during the more intense phases of labor.

pregnant mom in labor lying on her side surrounded by support people

Choose Your Birthing Circle Wisely

Now that you’ve given yourself the space to visualize your energy and surroundings, it’s important to carefully consider who you invite into your birthing circle.

Invite people who have seen birth before and who are comfortable with the sounds and smells associated with birth. This planning often begins months before baby arrives, as out-of-town family members may be eager to book flights around your due date.

If having them there will disrupt your pregnancy vibe, it’s perfectly okay to ask them to wait until after the baby is born. You can let them know when you’re ready for visitors–tell them it’s doctor’s orders!

two midwives holding a newly born infant on a table

Cultivate Trust and Alignment With Your Provider

Many parents get locked in to their provider before ensuring they are a good fit and aligned with their goals and needs. But it is critical to ensure you are completely in sync together by seeking person-centered maternity care.

Do you leave appointments feeling like you got all your questions answered? When you discuss a specific concern with your provider, do they take the time to help you gain clarity on the topic, or do they quickly skim over everything? Are their recommendations evidence based or medical opinion?

Your provider and birth team should create a sense of safety and trust. If you don’t see eye to eye on certain things or feel you may have to push back on certain things, it may be a sign to interview another provider group that is better aligned with your vision.

I recently took my daughter to her annual allergy appointment and left feeling truly empowered. It reminded me of the principles I teach in my birth classes. If you don’t feel comfortable asking your provider questions or inquiring about the latest research on their recommendations, they might not be the right fit for you.

My daughter’s doctor took the time to sit down with us, ensuring I had answers to all my questions before getting up. The quality of care continued with the nurse techs, who eased my daughter’s anxiety about her blood draw by sharing stories about their cats. There was no rushing or pressure to make decisions.

There is a provider that will make you feel this way, it might just take some navigating and decision making to get there.

Protect Your Postpartum Time with Clear Boundaries

How do you envision meeting your baby and what is your hope for your immediate postpartum time?

It’s time to start enjoying setting boundaries. Instead of being afraid of offending Aunt Gigi who is insisting on meeting baby ASAP, confidently take the reins and say, “Right now we are prioritizing rest, breastfeeding, and bonding. We will be ready for visitors soon!”

Glennon Doyle has an incredible podcast on just this! She says to think of a boundary “not as a response to someone else’s behavior, but as giving voice to your worth and health.” Touche!

If people are going to care for you by way of meal making, errand running, house cleaning, or dog walking they are 100% invited in. Making clear plans for your postpartum time can keep the oxytocin bubble strong and encourage rest, breastfeeding success, and protect your mental health during this vulnerable time.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice this visualization weekly (or more!) until you meet baby. Research shows that seeing yourself succeed helps train your brain that you can and will succeed in whatever goal is at hand.

Imagine each step of your labor going well. This practice will create stability in the mind and body and is just as important as physically training your body to have the stamina for labor.

Preparing and planning for everything can feel like a lot sometimes (and it is!), but it’s important to remember to have fun! Laughing is one of the best ways to promote oxytocin release.

So invite in some humor, lightness, and ease, and things might just feel a little more smooth as you welcome baby into this world with intent.

Are you looking to create your own ideal birth and postpartum experiences?

Blooma offers evidence-based birth classes and doula support, specialized prenatal movement classes, and guided new moms groups in Minneapolis.

Explore the extensive range of professional support services available for you and your family.

-Amy Kelley, Director of Childbirth Education at Blooma

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